Yeah this is a little nutty seeing people with axes to grind.
An old lady drives her 2005 car through a restaurant entrance and people blame the driver and say things like “driving tests should be mandatory every X years.” A woman in a Tesla launches her car into a lake and people jump to the drivers defense, make excuses as to why the driver isn’t responsible, and want to complain about whatever bullshit the CEO tweeted out in the last week.
It’s almost comical to witness. 10 months ago
she made a mistake. good design could have prevented her crash, and less negligent design should have let her live. absolute worst case scenario, it should have been an expensive mistake, but not a fatal one. 10 months ago
If you make a system idiot proof, nature will always come up with a better idiot
We live in an age of subway wrappers telling you not to eat them, and microwaves including warnings to not use them to warm up pet dogs and cats. Because nature keeps improving on Communi Idiota