And for AI at home? Since this is a story about AI DataCenters
I want to get an AMD but the integration of Nvidia GPUs for processing ML/AI stuff is much higher. So if I want to mess with running AI at home I only have 1 choice.
I hope AMD release something that competes on that front, and can still play games on the weekend, but currently, he is right there is no competition 10 months ago
I find this strange, because I had nothing but trouble getting my R9 390 working with any Linux distro, but my RTX 3060 hasn’t given me a single issue on like 6 different distros. 10 months ago
Are you talking about a laptop or a desktop? If desktop, using offload or something like that? 10 months ago
Desktop, both Intel and AMD builds. And no, I just had multiple SSDs that I played with distros on. 10 months ago
Nvidia works flawlessly most of the time on desktops. The suckyness of their drivers shows its ugly head mostly on laptops.
And it’s bad, crash your computer bad some times.