11 months ago
This is what happens when you can DRM every piece of the car. Tesla is being taken as a model, and it’s extremely anti consumer 11 months ago
This is what happens when you can DRM every piece of the car. Tesla is being taken as a model, and it’s extremely anti consumer 11 months ago
I don’t think theyre being used as an example at all. A lot of these first generation platforms are still just trying to figure stuff out, and unless they all glob onto an existing platform, they’ll never deviate from one another. Competition is good, especially to drive innovation in the early days of new fields of products like these. Most of the bigger companies have opened their platforms or pieces thereof, but that doesn’t need to mean open-source. We should rely on legislature and right to repair to reign some of the anti-competitive bullshit they all pull in though, I do agree with that. 11 months ago
Sorry but there just isn’t that much to figure out. Cars have had electric motors and batteries for as long as cars have had motors (literally - early cars didn’t have a combustion engine).
You take an ordinary car, bolt a motor and battery to it somewhere, and you’re done. Nothing innovative needs to happen and there should be no repairability compromises. 11 months ago
Friend…it’s not as easy as you think. If you imagine every step of the way from pressing a pedal to what happens on the drive platform, it is absolutely NOT simple whatsoever. It’s not just “go” and “stop”, it’s a dozen steps of software on an RTOS moving so fast as to be imperceptible as a normal physical pedal interaction would, controlling multiple motors at once, synchronizing power, rotations, and detecting traction, and that’s just pressing the acceleration pedal. All the other safety systems engaged in the process of they exist are very sophisticated. All of this then culminates in an experience that hopefully eulmulates what you describe, but it is certainly NOT just strapping some different motors to the same kind of car. Don’t even get me started on the platform suspension automations and efficiency systems.
You’re just not very well read on the subject, so you might want to go catch up before you keep spouting this nonsense and looking kind of ill-informed.