Wow? Seriously???
Comment on To buy no longer means anything :( 11 months ago
I’ll tell ya more, if you read hardware license agreements then you know that even with hardware you don’t “own” anything, you just bought license to temporarily use it, i was shocked back in the day when i read license agreement on my iPad 4 in 2013, there was point about it, that i don’t own but only bought temporary rights to use it 11 months ago
I see people going “this is what you get for buying digital”, and that’s what they are not seeing. This is not about digital being more unreliable than physical. This is an attack at the concept of customer ownership itself. 11 months ago
Preach brother, always has been 11 months ago
Almost everyone I have heard say that is quote also a right wing boomer and corporate apologist that also harps on about “15 minute cities bad” etc yet voting for exactly the people that are enabling all of it. I almost wish there was an annual exam to verify mental capabilities as a requirement to voting but that would definitely end up rigged pretty quick. 11 months ago
No bad faith in my comment, but all “wingers” are bad, it’s class war, if you support upper class, you support all this shit, because corporations have their lobbyists at both sides at the same time 11 months ago
Yea, it is so annoying. As if DRMed disks or DRMless digital downloads don’t exist.