Another newbie here.
It’s worse when you go to bed and get your clarity as you’re trying to sleep.
Now you gotta decide if you wanna wake up, stay up or get up… I try to settle for writing a note.
Comment on Noob having fun with Self-Hosting story 10 months ago
I’m a fellow noob, maybe that’s why I found the bath side of it more amusing. I can relate to the pervasive obsession and unexpected eureka moments.
Another newbie here.
It’s worse when you go to bed and get your clarity as you’re trying to sleep.
Now you gotta decide if you wanna wake up, stay up or get up… I try to settle for writing a note.
This is why I separate bedtime and tinkering time with something else
Strange electrical impulse and high dopamine level flooding your brain 😍🤪 10 months ago
Yeah I get a little obsessive about my new hobbies to the point where a whole day of tinkering goes by and I barely notice.
I had an 11hr messing about session a couple weeks ago then we had to go out for a family meal because of some important occasion (my 40th birthday) and I got to the meal with a massive headache from staring at a screen all day, only to find it was a surprise party.
My Wife could not understand how on earth I hadn’t worked out it was a surprise party beforehand, but my head was in setting Proxmox up and getting things working. 10 months ago
There’s a quote from 1908’s Wind in the Willows: Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
Fill in your own hobby, and it reads just as well.