It wont last in the dishwasher. 11 months ago
If its good enough to glue my fingers it will glue anything.
Seriously though we use this to glue orings together and then install them in hot working machinery.
Probably more expensive then a new spatula though 11 months ago 11 months ago 11 months ago
It’s common practice, you can buy oring lengths cut to size and glue together.
Not so much repair one as the rubber perishes.
Though if you cut one on initial installation you can glue it back together.
Or the other week i was repairing a leaking motor, didn’t have the right size and width oring but i had the right width in one that was too big, so cut it shorter and away it goes 11 months ago
I don’t have the sort of job where I deal with orings much anymore, but was always told - broken oring = trash, used oring = trash, pinched oring = trash, oring you don’t like the look of = trash.
Not disagreeing with you, but the presence of a kit like that makes my eyeball twitch. :D 11 months ago
Was going to suggest Loctite 401, but 406 should work well too. 11 months ago
I can see your fingers are separated in the photo.
That alone proves it ain’t strong enough.