Comment on Keurig Mini No-Splash Platform 11 months ago
This is awesome! I’m currently using a stack of coasters to achieve this.
I do not have a 3d printer: if I found a maker space in my community or something, would I just book some time and walk in with the printables file on a USB? 11 months ago
Yes, all you need are the three .stl files. However, those are not printable as-is. You will have to run them through the slicer software for whatever printers they have at your maker space. I’m sure someone there can walk you through it. These should be very easily printed parts, with no tricks required to get them to come out right. My local public library has some 3D printers for people to use, as of fairly recently. Something like that might be worth checking out as well.
There are also commercial 3D printing services available online that will print things for you for a fee.
Or… You could use this as an opportunity to get a 3D printer!