Yeah, sadly this isn’t an option for everyone. Simply put, I work 65km from where I live, and PT just isn’t an option for the locations I work.
This is not about the consumer - don’t let big business’ shady tricks gull you into believing otherwise. The stark reality is that successive governments haven’t done anywhere near enough to curb industrial pollution or drive emissions reduction.
Consumers will buy whatever the market offers them. We’re the end result - not the driver. 11 months ago
Not everyone lives in an area that provides public transport. You need to learn how to think outside your own bubble. 11 months ago
You can also walk. 11 months ago
You literally added nothing here. Walking miles to and from work is also not always an option. My point still stands. 11 months ago
What point? A car is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t afford it - you walk.