Same. The moment you don’t understand the dialogue then it’s not important, that moment it’s about atmosphere. Worked great for me. I enjoyed the sound mixing in this movie!
Comment on literally me 10 months agoI kept hearing this complaint but when I finally watched it there was only one scene where I couldn’t hear the dialogue (when Neil is scoping out the airport bank vault) and it seemed very much intentional. Did you find this to be an issue throughout the entire film? 10 months ago 10 months ago
Just like modern plots, modern audio editing spoonfeeds the audience: We need to be told each and every detail about the security system in order to understand that it’s extreme, even though those details wouldn’t add to the plot in any way (as I recall, the last thing you can hear is the risk of suffocation - which is the last aspect of the security system that was relevant later on).
Next thing you know, audiences will start complaining that depth of field/camera blur is obscuring in unimportant details in the background.