Comment on The job applicants shut out by AI: ‘The interviewer sounded like Siri’ ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Me:I bet it’s a finance company

The first fucking sentence of the article: “When Ty landed an introductory phone interview with a finance and banking company last month…”

Jokes aside, I’ve had one AI job interview in the last year, and while the AI was more dynamic than the one mentioned in the article, it was still a weird experience. I’m not really sure what the legalities are around using my likeness and voice to train the AI either, but it made me realize I’m not very comfortable with video interviews that have become the norm during Covid.

I also like that the article points out it can go both ways. If the recruiters are interviewing using AI, there’s also live AI tools that will help the candidate navigate that interview. Soon enough, it’ll just be AI interviewing AI. And isn’t that the world we really want to live in 🤡
