That’s what they mean though. Weakspots multiply the damage received. Their only lever without redesigning the way weakspots function is to drop base damage.
The Arc Thrower for example ignores armor but does relatively low damage, however sometimes it will oneshot a beefier enemy when the arc hits a weakspot. Even with the flamethrower it is better to hit the charger’s armored leg because that is a weakspot on that enemy. 10 months ago
The leg is the closest thing to a weak point that a charger has, though. 10 months ago
Their butt is the true unarmored weak spot, I usually main autocannon and circle around and just blast the butt, once it explodes they start bleeding out and change to a slower animation set 10 months ago
It’s not technically a weak spot, doesn’t take weak spot damage. Whereas an exposed leg DOES take weak spot damage 10 months ago
Huh, is that info in a sheet somewhere or something? They don't expose that info in-game as far as I know