Comment on Elegoo Neptune 3 no longer turns on 10 months agoI guess my DnD players will have to live with quarters and pen caps in lieu of customized minis. Haha.
I read a lot into that “Haha”… like “They wont live that long anyway,” 10 months ago
It’s my very first campaign. I’m actually afraid the combat and encounters are going to be laughably easy, since I’m running a premade campaign made for beginners and I don’t feel comfortable yet tweaking with monster stats. 10 months ago
There’s nothing wrong with easy, even no-combat fluff campaigns.
My players prefer a mix of challenging one shots (that don’t kill characters they’re attached to,) and easier, longer campaigns.
I mostly set up homebrews for the campaigns- I like the world building. The current campaign uses the Stardrifter rule set, and the galactic domination has gotten far enough along they have plenty of in-world one shots. That help affect the overall story arc.
The best advice i can give is two things: have fun, and make sure everyone else is having fun too. Also, contrary to popular belief… one can have too many printed terrain tiles. 10 months ago
Did you say…
Printed terrain tiles
Printed terrain tiles?
I’m honestly so thankful the printer only decided to die after I got the terrain project finished. It would’ve killed all the motivation I had to getting a game started.
Thanks for the advice. My players are all well aware that I’m a baby DM and they fully expect it to be a rough, choppy campaign that’s harder for me than it is for them. But if we all have fun, the next campaign will be better, and so will the next. 10 months ago
Those look great!
I suck at the painting part so they never quite look right for me.