Comment on What's going wrong with my prints? 11 months agoSo on a bed slinger you can orient a print any way you want.
But, a bed slinger has a lot more mass to move when moving the Y axis (the bed, your print attached to the bed) then it does on the X (the gantry and tool head)
So orienting your print where longer moves are on the X axis has a couple benefits
- accelerations on X are less likely to introduce ringing The
- Heavier prints are less likely to come loose from the shifting (although if this is the case you probably should slow down or work on adhesion issues overall)
You’ll see something similar with Voron prints where some orient the infill to be at 45 degrees since that overall works best with how CoreXY AB motors work. E.g. only one motor is pulling vs both working in tandem at other angles. 11 months ago
That depends on the type of print. The design the OP showed will not have such a ringing issue with something large and low. The problem is a lifting corner. The long Y orientation is wrong for this problem.