As I understand it, the loot for the selffound faction is better in a sense that it’s what you want for your build (since you can customize your drops to an extent). On trade in the other hand, you will also find good loot overall, but not necessarily fit your build.
Comment on Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes 1 year ago
Interesting, but the implementation feels a bit meh. This implies traded items are sub-par, right? Since you get better items if you join the faction that causes them to be non-tradeable. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Just from this screenshot, it seems that good loot will drop more frequently if you choose to disable trading, to make up for the lost opportunities I guess. 1 year ago
Item drop rate, and chance for higher quality items will be higher. But that is to make up for the fact that you won’t have access to the entire aggregate market of drops. The highest tier item that can drop in solo mode is equivalent to the highest tier item that can drop in trade mode. But in solo mode your chances of actually seeing it drop for you are higher.