Comment on Pulsar, the best code editor 1 year ago
Pulsar is a fork of Atom, which was discontinued because almost everyone jumped ship to VSCode.
What does Pulsar do that is better than VSCode? All the features this article highlights are in VSCode too, and I can think of a bunch of features that Pulsar doesn’t have (dev containers are a big one for me - they allow you to have different versions of the same software installed, depending what project you’re working on right now… and you can run both versions at the same time as well). 1 year ago
The author also makes some incorrect or misleading claims, specifically about emacs. I acknowledge there’s a high bar for entry there and don’t personally like emacs, but it’s not modal, and it does have the ability to display images and markdown previews. 1 year ago
Well, it’s not modal by default. It is if you want it to be. 1 year ago
Sure. But the author cites that as a disadvantage of emacs and links to an article about the person who invented
for copy and paste.