You are selecting for the people privileged enough to know how or spend the time figuring out how to record and send video. Even if someone has used teams every day for presentations, it's easy to avoid using recording features when videoconferencing is all live.
If your workplace creates pre-recorded videos for office use, then sure I guess it's a skill you can select for. 10 months ago
I don’t really get why people are up in arms at this stuff. I hate the idea of doing these type of interviews, sure. But my grad program had 3k applications, 1k video interviews, 300 in person interviews, and only 100 actual roles. How the fuck else do they expect people to handle the sheer size of applications in management/HR roles? 10 months ago 10 months ago
Yeah lol that's because you don't seem to have any empathy for the people you are hiring. Why is it important if you don't care about it? Easy answer is it isn't.