How would me joining a union help with the Amazon problem? My pay and benefits (and my coworkers’ pay and benefits, to the extent of my knowledge) are very good, so we don’t currently need a union. My job is completely unrelated to Amazon, and my employer isn’t a customer of Amazon or its competitors.
I’m not going to stop complaining about Amazon. 11 months ago
This take brought to you by Amazon!
Seriously this is such a corporate take, demanding that everyone stop complaining unless they do things that may it may not be possible for them to do.
Possible that nation wide labor rights may be eroded away, EVERYONE has a right to complain about that. 11 months ago
The AWS side of their business isn’t the side everyone complains about with unethical behavior, it’s possible to be mad at one side of a company and to boycott it without doing the same to the other side of the company. It really helps that AWS has actual competitors in a way that Amazon shopping doesn’t. 11 months ago
It’s not the same as with warehouse workers, but Amazon does have a reputation of being a brutal employer for software engineers 11 months ago
Good to know. Sad to say I don’t have much choice there unlike how I can just avoid shopping through Amazon, since it’s not up to me who hosts websites. 11 months ago
Oh, you are discontented with Capitalism, are you? Curious that you use an iPhone while claiming to dislike capitalism.
Similar logic lmao