I know plenty of modern programmers who are empowered by the ease at which they can learn the trade now. Some never go deeper than front end developer, because there’s good money there. That job would look nothing like it does today if it had to be done by hand.
Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI?
doctorcrimson@lemmy.today 1 year agoTBF if a mathematician or a programmer cannot do it on paper then they’ve kind of failed and probably won’t have any notable impact. Paper math didn’t end when computers came about.
Drewelite@lemmynsfw.com 1 year ago
doctorcrimson@lemmy.today 1 year ago
Ah yes, the html programmers. Top minds of our generation, them. /s
deafboy@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Wrap it up, climate scientists, the show is over! This lad said he can do your job without the supercomputer.
doctorcrimson@lemmy.today 1 year ago
You think Supercomputers are designing and building themselves, you fucking donkey?