Comment on [deleted]
Look bad to whom?
Then go distribute the mod somewhere else. Why are you so dependant on Nexusmods?
Go start Nazimods and share hateful bullshit there.
You can ban all the disclaimers your heart desires.
Is it the only site? No. Pick another one. Problem solved.
Even if they don't see at as a problem, the reason it's there makes sense to everyone. So why fight so hard to defend it? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Then go distribute the mod somewhere else. Why are you so dependant on Nexusmods? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Go start Nazimods and share hateful bullshit there.
You can ban all the disclaimers your heart desires. 1 year ago
Is it the only site? No. Pick another one. Problem solved. 1 year ago
Even if they don't see at as a problem, the reason it's there makes sense to everyone. So why fight so hard to defend it?