Joystick drift can be fixed at home with like 15 dollars worth of replacement parts lol
Comment on Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed 1 year agoController drift. Require new ones. They are expensive as hell. There for to enjoy new games I need to buy the game and new controllers.
I tried the replacement because of the class action suit but because I no longer have the receipt they won’t accept replacement 1 year ago 1 year ago
It works so well I’ve done it several times! On the same joycons.
Speaking seriously, DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. Those ribbon cables are super 1 year ago
Link me 1 year ago
I'd recommend that you get these ones, but you can pick them up plenty of places that aren't Amazon too, just make certain you get the ones made by Gulikit, any others are probably as cheap as your originals and you'll have to come back and replace them again in short order. The Gulikit ones use Hall Effect sensing rather than resistive contact pads that will eventually scrape down and break.
That kit at Amazon comes with all the tools to do the job and as the sticks are Hall Effect based, they'll theoretically never drift unlike the ones that ship with Joy-Cons straight from Nintendo.
iFixIt has the process for doing the work: and 1 year ago
Ordered. Thanks for the info 1 year ago
I have gotten two sets of drifting Joycons replaced for free. If you are in the US make sure to check out their support page. 1 year ago
I tried that but the form wanted copies of receipts which I have long since lost (not in the us) 1 year ago
I had the same problem. Never noticed the drift until tears of the kingdom and then it made the game nearly unplayable. Decided to buy a pro controller only to discover it sold out nearly everywhere with many being sold online for scalper prices.
However, once I found one it was a game changer. The thing fits very well in my hands and works well. I don’t regret buying it, but will be pissed if it does not work with the next console. 1 year ago
This but third-party. I love my 8BitDos.