Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year agoYes ambitious young people view it as bad, and adults view it as bad in the U.S. Young person’s (for lack of better term) usually wish for a life with freedoms. Older adults look it as bad parenting to have a kid who hasn’t moved on to “adulthood” which includes independence in our culture. I see it all the time. My parents (Born in 61) hate on all parents and adults who still live with their parents.
Also with media making extremists out of so many people it is more unlikely (not impossible) to find parents and kids that agree on much with viewpoints which can cause a lot of termoil between families. 1 year ago
That’s really interesting and quite unfortunate at the same time.
I’m from the UK and have many friends still living with parents at 30, I don’t judge them for it until they say they start wanting kids. Imo you need a house and stability to grow into when bringing up children because it’s their life not yours you need to consider.
However I’ve asked them if they get teased or pressured to move out by anyone at work or within their circle and they all say no.
I can see how old 90s and 00s TV sitcoms target people “living in their moms basement” as losers but if you’re out in the real world and are able to differentiate badly aged media I think the situation on my side of the pond is absolutely fine.
Property is just as expensive over here and young adults need to save for longer. I didn’t move out until mid 20s, my boomer parents had a 4 bed house so I had my own bathroom and everything. It’s not considered wrong in eastern culture so there was no problem staying.
In fact I think I left one year too early lol