Comment on Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros 1 year agoThere are amazing VR games like HL:Alex and Resident Evil. Not as many as we’d all like but then are out there, and I do believe as porting becomes easier, we will see more AAA titles like this. And honestly playing these games in VR puts their flatscreen versions to shame, so I do think this will become more popular going forward. For AR we are just at the beginning. I think AVP has proved the concept that you could use such a device for productivity, but I think mass adoption will take many more iterations. But I am sure that bothe AR and VR have long futures ahead of them. 1 year ago
VTOL VR is awesome too. The problem with a lot of games that support VR is they don’t support the controllers to the same extent. Playing VR with an Xbox controller instead of the motion tracking Index controllers just ain’t the same. 1 year ago
I have only owned an oculus quest, and a PlayStation vr2, So I have never had this issue before