Comment on Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth? 1 year agoisn’t that just timezones with extra steps?
Comment on Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth? 1 year agoisn’t that just timezones with extra steps? 1 year ago
That’s usually the case.
I live and work on London time. If I want to have a phonecall with someone in the Philippines, I have to be mindful that 9am for me is 5pm for them, so I’ll need to make the effort to start early to catch them while they’re still at work.
Without timezones: If I want to have a phonecall with someone in the Philippines, I have to be mindful that their working day is 1am to 9am, so I’ll need to make the effort to start early to catch them while they’re still at work.
I’ll still need to lookup when their working day is, I’ll still have to adjust/account for it, and I’ll still have to get up early / start work early to make that call. Getting rid of timezones doesn’t get rid of that +8 or the affects of that +8, it just renames how we communicate it.