Yes. If “Sadly It’s Bradley”'s YouTube channel is anything to go by, furries (and maybe enterprises) will be the primary purchasers of the AVP. He’s absolutely over the moon about it.
Comment on Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros 1 year agoI can tell you straight up right now it’s not just the wealthy furries that are hanging out in VRChat.
VRChat, and similar apps, is their ultimate escapism; they actually get to be and walk around as the character they want themselves to be. So most of the furries I know, some of them not even living in their own apartment, have spent time putting money aside to buy VR headsets complete with full motion setups. Those who really couldn’t save up like that, and/or afford building a PC capable of handling VR, go for the cheapest option of buying a Quest.
Remember Ready Player One? Everyone is poor, living in pretty blegh conditions, yet many people have put a significant portion of their income aside to buy VR headsets? Those would be furries. 1 year ago 1 year ago
damn, I didn’t really know it was that intense, that serious. I guess I have, once again, underestimated the furries, my greatest rivals on this god forsaken planet.
nah but fr that makes a lot of sense. I would’ve just kind of thought, you know, stereotype of wealthy furries in IT shelling out for fursuits and shit, and furries in VR, put 2 and 2 together and blam, wow, the math checks out, but yeah, I do believe there’s probably a good proportion of people for whom it’s important enough to kind of get on top of it asap.
also VR headsets are getting cheaper than I thought, so that’s another factor.