@shiri @user8e8f87c @snarfed @Gargron @proximacentauri @chris @Snowshadow @dogzilla I had messaged @snarfed.org to ask about opting out and Ryan couldn’t have been any more respectful. He’s also looking at a way to make it opt in (https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/835#issuecomment-1942046208)
I apologized for being part of the heat and look forward to supporting Ryan’s work when possible.
macumbamacaca@mastodon.nl 1 year ago
@allen099 man, that issue is one hell of a dumpster fire!
allen099@mastodon.online 1 year ago
@macumbamacaca It is indeed, but that’s what happens when passionate people collide in a new-ish environment. We’re all trying to find a way to get what we want, and hopefully fair compromises can be had for any of these challenges.
Wishing you a beautiful day!