Comment on Waymo issued a recall after two robotaxis crashed into the same pickup truck 1 year agoWhat typically happens when a recall is issued for other vehicles? Don’t they either remove and replace the bad part or add extra parts to fix the issue?
How is removing bad code and replacing it with good code or just adding extra code to fix the issue any different?
Do you want to physically go somewhere? 1 year ago
Kinda, as the word implies. If it’s a software update, call it that; the car’s not going back to the shop/manufacturer. 1 year ago
What if you consider its the software/firmware getting recalled and not the vehicle itself? Then it’s all perfectly cromulent. 1 year ago
It sounds like location is important for some reason. 1 year ago
Here’s an example of why I don’t like that they’re called recalls when it’s just a system update, if you have a recall on a food item, is there some way to fix it aside from taking it back (to be replaced) or throwing it away?
When there’s a security patch released on your phone, do we call it a recall on the phone? 1 year ago
I think the difference in the case you mentioned that the difference is that with a car they use recall because it could be dangerous to keep using it as is.