Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago
I think you need to reassess these people you respect a lot. Belief in 9-11 conspiracy theories is not common.
Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago
I think you need to reassess these people you respect a lot. Belief in 9-11 conspiracy theories is not common. 1 year ago
The Venn Diagram overlap between anti-vaxxers, 9-11 ‘truthers’, and flat earthers is nearly a circle 1 year ago
Some would call them “independent thinkers”
What’s more admirable, to conform and be right or to think independently and be wrong? 1 year ago
I think the weaponization of ignorance is a more nuanced subject than a binary choice.
There is no merit in pushing significantly disproven ‘theories’ like flat earthism. 1 year ago
No doubt. But dang, when you call yourself right because you quote the most popular authority, I feel a strong impulse the play it wrong.
I mean, I’d push flat-eartherism just to highlight the absurdity of the popular epistemology.