Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago
Look. I get it. But, understand the only reason you feel that way is because you haven’t committed a crime severe enough for you to do any significant time.
Recidivism for rape is 13% to 35% Link to source
I would seriously recommend checking your privilege on this one. 1 year ago
Check your privilege? He just said this person followed a woman home and raped her. His best friend. And that he’s worried for female coworkers. All valid feelings. I’m guessing you’re a man and don’t have to fear sexual assault. Check YOUR privilege. 1 year ago
The fear of criminals committing crimes after incarnation is irrational and unfounded. For example murder has the lowest residencism rate of any crime followed by possession of underage porn. Two extreme and serious crimes.
Moreover, there are on average two million people incarcerated in the United States at any given time. That means a large portion of the American population are ex-fellons. Chances are you’ve been around felons of serious crimes on a daily basis and you’d never even know.
Fear mongering about some made up issues like rapists and murders working and living in our society is completely unfounded and irrational.
Take the sex offender registry, it has done absolutely nothing to deter sex crimes and is generally disliked in law enforcement due to its uselessness.
OPs feelings are valid in the same sense that a racist’s feelings are just as valid about how much they hate minorities. Just because a feeling is valid doesn’t make it right.
So, I’ll say it again. The only reason you and op feel this way is because you’re probably not felons, therefore check your privilege.