Comment on xkcd #2893: Sphere Tastiness
My dog seems to agree with this sentiment.
Rabbits seem to enthusiastically agree as well
I have many rabbits near me. I also have many rabbit poops. I have never observed rabbits eating poop in the wild. Are your rabbits special?
Rabbits have two kinds of poop: the hard little Cocoa Pebble looking ones and the soft glossy cluster-of-grapes looking ones. The former have been fully digested, the latter are designed to be eaten again to extract more nutrients. 1 year ago
Rabbits seem to enthusiastically agree as well 1 year ago
I have many rabbits near me. I also have many rabbit poops. I have never observed rabbits eating poop in the wild. Are your rabbits special? 1 year ago
Rabbits have two kinds of poop: the hard little Cocoa Pebble looking ones and the soft glossy cluster-of-grapes looking ones. The former have been fully digested, the latter are designed to be eaten again to extract more nutrients.