Assuming you hold rights to your content in the legal system you’d be claiming the damages in, you are of course free to file a lawsuit.
Assuming you hold rights to your content in the legal system you’d be claiming the damages in, you are of course free to file a lawsuit. 11 months ago
That raises a point, what is the process regarding DMCA and GDPR? There’s no mechanism to delete posts via scraped content. 11 months ago
And neither via federation like in AP. It’s a bit of a hole that should the technology get truly big will eventually come to a head.
We already had lawsuits in Germany related to linking to copyright infringing content, it’s not a big stretch that if you scrape or federate a link that could infringe, you are in turn infringing. 11 months ago
But with AP, you can purge content. When you scrape content, there’s no way to get a purge notice.