Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year agoIt really, really isn’t common.
Here’s an NBC report from two years ago:…/2731757/
The TL;DR is that the top cities in terms of car break-ins (per 1,000 people) are:
San Francisco - 19.8 Seattle - 19.7 Atlanta - 12.9 D.C. - 10.4 Dallas - 7.8 Houston - 7.5 L.A. - 6.0
That shit ain’t normal. Outside of San Francisco and apparently Seattle. The whole rest of the country doesn’t have this problem. 1 year ago
It is a more common problem in certain cities, I’m not denying that but that doesn’t mean it’s rare in other places. I didn’t know it was that much higher there though, that does make those top cities outliers.