@luca @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews That would be using the content as intended. In the same way that allowing a browser to cache a web page doesn't entitle the browser use to then republish that content under their own domain.
Similarly, owning and using a DVR doesn't grant one the right to sell copies of a TV show.
I can borrow a book from a library, but that doesn't entitle me to photocopy it, rebind it and sell it to another library.
luca@sironi.tk 1 year ago
@PCOWandre @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews so i'm preemptively good person/ server because i use activitypub but you don't trust bluesky the company, because they are using that other AT protocol.
But once they opened their protocol, it's not just their company using it, other no profit actors can use it as well.
There are mastodon servers owned by company already.
PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net 1 year ago
@luca @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews I'm not anti-corporate at all. I have no problem with a large entity implementing native activitypub and interacting natively with the community.
I do not see bridges/gateways that republish content as that at all.
Further, I understand there's a difference between offering someone a beer and having them walk into my house and help themselves to the fridge.
shiri@foggyminds.com 1 year ago
PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net 1 year ago
@shiri @luca No, I'm upset because this is a private beer party and you gatecrashed and you're handing the beer to your shady friends in the back alley.
I get your mindset. If you get touch it, it's yours. The mindset that sees nothing wrong with ripping people's writings and republishing them. Nothing wrong with helping yourself to any photograph you see on the internet and using it for whatever purpose you see fit. Scrubbing the author's names off and feeding them into your content farm.
You are not invited to my party.