Comment on I like big beds and I cannot lie, pt 2. Any hints to improve ASA adhesion? 1 year agoSupposedly, the filter does a better job with air flow but in either case, two fairly small fans in a bigger enclosure seems destined for struggle.
A heat lamp isn’t a bad idea. Did it solve your warping issues? Before I go that route, I’m tempted to try adding two more bedfans first. I should also add a chamber thermostor vs just waiting for a fixed time period.
When you said switchfrom ACM to Plexiglass, I’m guessing you meant the other way around (eg you have ACM panels now)? Where did you get them? 1 year ago
The heat lamp did help for the couple parts I was having issues with. I now mostly use a mini trident for most of my ABS printing. The heat lamp only comes out when I need to do a large print on the Voron2.
There was a Nero3D (Canuck Creator) video a while back where he said acrylic is better at insulating than ACM so I went from ACM to acrylic. Plus the smoked translucent acrylic looks better. I bought the ACM from PrintedSolid originally and have since reused it for other projects.