Comment on I like big beds and I cannot lie, pt 2. Any hints to improve ASA adhesion? 1 year ago
Boron are Core XY which means that in diagonals, only one motor is moving. That’s one of the reasons why your surface looks nicer on the boron at 45° than on the Cartesian printer which has to sync two motors to create a diagonal move.
For Asa, hot bed and chamber are critical as well as actively dehydrated spool. 1 year ago
Even if I print in the traditional orientation, my surface quality looks way better. My i3 clone’s extruder had horrible salmon skin and at that point in my journey I wasn’t willing to consider rebuilding the extruder. 1 year ago
Surface quality is also driver (+ driver settings) and motor related, and even the combination of them. 1 year ago
This is fair, and is part of what I meant by not being willing to modify the extruder (or the main board) before going off the deep end with the Voron.
I suspect having a gear reduction between the extruder motor and the extruder gear would go quite a ways towards helping. Swapping my Voron from a set screw gear to an integrated gear, that’s molded/pressed onto the shaft, helped too. That’s before even getting into the driver. 1 year ago
Yeah ridga or vzhextrudort style gears definitely help greatly. You could do a mihai style test to see if the artifacts on the i3 are mostly extruder related or from the XY motors.
Tuning drivers consistently for quality is going to require an oscilloscope, although there are some experiments with attaching an accelerator to the motor while doing a frequency sweep.
Of course you could just change settings and see if there is a visual difference, but there are too many settings and combinations to make that realistic.