talk to people online who hate immigrants because they are ‘ruining their town’ and they want to make sure their town is ‘kept in their hands’ and when I call them racist for saying that an African shop hand is incompetent because they can’t speak English they can’t accept it.
They don’t see themselves as racist, sexist, homophobic or fascist.
They’ve unhinged from reality. 1 year ago
“WilL tHErE bE An invEsTIGatIon fOr the MuRdER of UnArMeD VeTeRaN AshlII BaBBoT?”
Clearly there are still a lot of the fuckers ready to fuck around and find out. 1 year ago
Unfortunately. She literally rammed her car into another car allegedly just because they made her mad. She had serious mental health issues, and it’s horrible that she died, but the same people don’t care when it isn’t one of “theirs.” They’ll make excuses for police violence in every case except where it was almost the only logical choice for said agent. Like what was he supposed to do? Some of those people were actually armed despite lies to the contrary. I’d be shitting my pants if the MAGA mob were making my work day that bad. What did they expect? I thought the Capitol police were absolutely incredibly soft and very very professional. I’d have personally had a hard time resisting opening fire on the whole bunch.