Good advice 10 months ago
I’m neither an HP fan nor queer so take what I’m going to say with a grain of salt.
I think that the idea is mostly good, but don’t underestimate the amount of work necessary to keep your instance safe. Make sure to have admins online 24/7, that they’re all on the same page regarding rule enforcement, consult often the queer community on stuff that matters, and make sure that it’s part of your admin team.
The main thing that I believe that you need to watch out for is users lacking discernment. They’ll come in two “flavours”: the ones trying to sell JK Rowling’s transphobia, and the ones trying to sell hate against the fanbase.
Also, I’m not sure but I think that “no tolerance towards transphobia” sounds easier to enforce than “queer-friendly”. The goal is the same, the difference is less subjectivity. (In general it’s better to approach rules and their enforcement as objectively as possible.) 10 months ago 10 months ago
Thanks for the tips, they are very helpful.
I think I will exclude “queer friendly” again. It raises some false promises that I think I cannot hold. I like the term “no tolerance towards transphobia”. 10 months ago
I would recommend only opening with regsitration application only. And only federate with instances you trust and want to get federated and have some contact with the admins that you federate with. ( On matrix or anywhere else ) We have a common, matrix channel where many admins are active ( ) there you get early warnings about bad stuff that could be federated to you.