Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year agoBut, why? Even if free will is proven, what value does punishment serve? And if all things are predetermined, then punishment itself is justified by predeterminism. 1 year ago
Literally anything that happens is “justified” or perhaps “explained” by predeterminism, but just because a system exists and is internally consistent and follows all of its rules doesn’t mean a better system can’t exist.
If everything and anything can be “justified” that “justice” isn’t useful to consider, and we should think about something like “utility” or “happiness” instead. 1 year ago
I agree. I just don’t think the answer to the question of free will alters (or should alter) our behaviors.
Although, internally it can help, as famously described by Einstein - there’s a helpful translation lower in the page, but it’s interesting to hear his voice whether or not you understand German. As a way of internalizing how people treat you, it’s sweet. I don’t buy it (the philosophy) for a second, but still. 1 year ago
I tend to agree, but the kind of people who believe it is just and good to punish others (as opposed to rehabilitate or something) tend to disagree with us.