Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year agoIs it any good?
I’m always on the hunt for new stuff!
Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year agoIs it any good?
I’m always on the hunt for new stuff! 1 year ago
It’s pretty good. I liked it a lot. There is this theme of fighting with and between gods (uploaded humans) and has a pretty good ending that made me want to rewatch it.
It is unfortunately only legally available in Australia and New Zealand from what I know, so you probably have to look around for another way to see it if your not from there. 1 year ago
I’m not super upset by legal acquisition if it’s not available here.
Thanks! It’s on my list now. I’m actually excited that it’s foreign media but not anime. (Anime is fine, but sometimes you don’t want the sameness)