Matter of fact, I’ll do some reading for you. You tell me if these things are bad.
For an additional amount for ‘‘U.S. Immigration and19 Customs Enforcement—Operations and Support’’,$7,600,833,000, to remain available until September 30, 2026: Provided, That of the total amount provided under this heading in this Act, $3,230,648,000 shall be for increased custodial detention capacity, $2,548,401,000 shall be for increased removal flights and related activities, including short-term staging facilities, $534,682,000 shall be for hiring U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, and $1,287,102,000 shall be for increased enrollment capabilities and related activities within the Alternatives to Detention program…
ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE5 For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and Entrant Assistance’’, $350,000,000, to remain available until expended, for carrying out section 235©(5)(B) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
DEPARTMENT OF STATE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement’’, $25,000,000, to re main available until September 30, 2025, to counter the flow of fentanyl, fentanyl precursors, and other synthetic drugs into the United States…
SEC. 3203. INTERNAL RELOCATION. (a) IN GENERAL .—Section 208(b)(2)(A) of the Im migration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1158(b)(2)(A)) is amended—
- (1) in clause (v), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the end;
- (2) in clause (vi), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and
- (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(vii) there are reasonable grounds for concluding that the alien could avoid persecution by relocating to—‘‘(I) another location in the alien’s country of nationality; or‘‘(II) in the case of an alien having no nationality, another location in the alien’s country of last habitual residence.’’.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL .—Whenever the border emergency authority is activated, the Secretary shall have the authority, in the Secretary’s sole and unreviewable discretion, to summarily remove from and prohibit, in whole or in part, entry into the United States of any alien identified in subsection (a)(3) who is subject to such authority in accordance with this subsection.
All of those sections can be found in the link of my other comment. So, this isn’t even interpretation, just what is exactly in the bill.
What is here that’s worth opposing exactly? 1 year ago
You can read it for yourself and make your own decisions rather than relying on people who hate America to interpret it for you. 1 year ago
Don’t worry I won’t rely on you to interpret it for me.
The 4,000 number that triggers a border close doesn’t close it, it only gives the option to close it.
Then there’s the 5000 trigger but naturally there are exceptions.
Even those loopholes were not enough so they made sure they could ignore the mandatory closing. 1 year ago
So, just to be clear, the border should be closed even to people with who valid visas or are otherwise lawfully permitted to enter into the U.S. when the border emergency authority is activated?
Like, if an Israeli citizen shows up and wants to get through…they should be rejected? 1 year ago
Nice try at a straw man, I’m surprised you didn’t go the unaccomponied minor route. 1 year ago
But let me guess. You’re just going to cry anyway when people read it and decide that it fucking sucks? 1 year ago
You never know until you try