My understanding is tha some commercial/industrial users will get a highly variable tariff. This may be cheaper much of the time, but can get ridiculously expensive at times of high demand.
The difference is that a bitcoin farmer can shut down at those expensive times, but a home user still needs to heat/cool their house, run their fridge etc, so the savings cancel out. Because of this, averaging the costs works out easier/better for most home consumers 11 months ago
Because companies > people in the eyes of the state. 11 months ago
It depends on which state, which is even more sad. 11 months ago
It’s more like companies = jobs in the eyes of voters. 11 months ago
I have never once gave a flying fuck about a nebulous concept of “jobs.” 11 months ago
Sounds like you are in a very good position to appreciate how the average voter feels about this. 11 months ago
Something something job creators….something something trickle down