Get that double penetrating unkempt harold
Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago
Tried to get into fighting games on a keyboard, could not perform any motion input after an hour of trying, not even a quartercircle. Finally looked it up online and realized you’re supposed to drag your finger across the keys, not tap them. Really embarassing
Put like 20hrs into Borderlands 2, really wanted to like the game but I kept getting my teeth smashed in even though I watched guides, used a meta build, tried different characters etc. Then I tried multiplayer with some friends & observed one of them stop progressing to farm some unremarkable zone. After a while she got a specific legendary weapon and proceeded to instantly destroy everything for the next hour+. Finally realized I was approaching the game like it was a narrative FPS when in reality it’s an ARPG. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Nah man BL2 just has the worst scaling ever. Weapon damage scales logarithmically with level (more or less) so you level up once and all your gear is immediately behind. The other games in the series are way less harsh with it. 1 year ago
If you just do the side quests before progressing the main quests you should have no problem progressing in any borderlands game. You should never have to go farm unremarkable areas that don’t have side quests.