The actors mouths approximately match the overdubbed language, at least for English.
I wish this were true. Netflix is a worst-in-class offender imo. They will shoot a film in three different native languages so that about 1/3 the dialog sounds and loks correct for your native language. And then for the other 2/3 of the dialog, it’s a horribly butchered dub job from 2 different languages back to english. I can’t watch them because my brain rejects the horrible dub and it pre-occupies my thoughts rather than me just being able to the movie. 1 year ago
Are you sure they’re not just decent dubs? Non English-speaking countries have been used to synced dubs forever.
This is why adapting (well) for dubs is way more complicated than just translating dialogues. You have to find an equivalent line that matches visible mouth movements. 1 year ago
That’s true I suppose. No, I can’t be sure. It could just be really good dub writers, I guess?