- Comment on xkcd #2891: Log Cabin 1 year ago:
This would make a really cool art installation where you start at the top of a multistory building and keep walking through and turning right before going downstairs to the next room where you walk through and turn right before going downstairs to the next room… Etc etc.
If all the furniture got progressively smaller as the walls and ceilings progressively closed in, it would feel just like this picture.
Or you could leave everything the same size and it would still make for a surreal experience going down, through, right, down, through, right, etc until popping out into the street - at that last set of stairs you’d be certain the door in front of you would lead straight into the identical living room from every other floor. Seeing the street instead would be a real mindfuck.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
You can attack the system and while you do that, there are people under 18 years old who are just trying to provide for themselves or their dependents and need a job now.
They have adult responsibilities before the age of 18. A lot of the commenters outright refuse to believe that these legal minors could have possibly matured earlier than the law expects, but that really does happen and it really is socially irresponsible to ignore their struggle.
Most commenters are essentially holding this series of positions based on a photo that is out of context: "Why does this kid have a job?* The system is bad. Why is the system bad? Some kids have jobs. How can we stop kids from working? We should outlaw jobs for kids.
But that series of positions critically fails to account for exceptions where kids become competent before the age of 18, need jobs and want to work.
It ignores that, in reality, many minors have kids of their own or other dependents that they are struggling to support and it does not provide any plan for them, it makes their situation worse while you fight the system.
That is inhumane public policy. Like many areas of law, this is a complicated issue, and we are going to harm people in our communities if we jump to strict authoritarian control for an answer.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
This comment deserves an award. Mods should pin it to the top of the thread, because the majority of comments are totally divorced from their neighbors’ struggle to survive in our imperfect economy.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
This is the first time I’ve encountered such extreme and immovable opinions on Lemmy. It’s wild to me that people who are (presumably) trying to support social justice for minors cannot even acknowledge that teenagers sometimes need and would prefer to work - that it’s a separate issue from child abuse and strict authoritarian prohibition over their labor is itself abusive.
Don’t people understand that a 17 year old can have a baby and need a job?
They won’t even entertain the possibility and defend an actual policy position. It’s devoid of social responsibility.
If they are genuinely socialist or communist, then how can they defend stripping 14-18 year olds of their natural right to profit from their own labor? It’s just as bad as a capitalist exploiting that labor with unlivable wages - they are essentially condemning these people to $0 in wages and total state dependence.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Perfectly reasonable!
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Are all jobs bad because someone else skims part of the profit? Or is it just bad to you because it’s a person under 18?
Just trying to sort out whether you are for eliminating all work or just work for minors?
If it’s just work for minors, would you support any exceptions?
Like, for example, for an emancipated 17 year old with a baby of their own to support?
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
It sounds like you are using a legal framework from medical treatment of minors. If I have that right, then you should know that there is an exception for emancipated people under 18 years of age.
Would you support the same exception for work, now that you know this or perhaps you would also eliminate this exception for them to control their own bodies in a medical context?….
Court-ordered emancipation. A child under the age of 18 who lives independently without the support of parents and makes his or her own day-to-day decisions may petition the court for emancipation. If granted, the minor will have the same legal rights as an adult, including the right to consent to (and refuse) medical treatment.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
It sounds like you are equating any job to getting sexually abused or raped.
That is “like… Yuck”.
It’s an irrelevant comparison because the work itself is not abuse. There are other laws that protect kids from being abused, if they are being abused to force them to work(or for any other purpose).
If you don’t care what people under 18 think, you should reflect on how selfish and closed-minded that sounds to me and especially to the real human people you are proposing to lose their ability to work.
Do you really think there is a major difference between the brain of a 17 year old the day before their 18th birthday and the day after? There is no significant difference at all.
So, my question is, where do you draw the line for a person under 18 whose quality of life might depend on working? Should they just have that freedom stripped because you don’t care what they think?
Even if they are on their own? Or supporting a dependent, like their own baby? Really? If you are that authoritarian about this, I hope you forget to vote on it.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
As others have pointed out, those laws have important exceptions to account for kids who want to work, and that is the question I am asking all of the knee-jerk authoritarians:
What is the actual policy position they support? What are the exceptions they support or are they completely authoritarian about this issue? (I think a strict rule prohibiting all people under 18 from ever earning a living is a pretty embarrassing position to defend.)
What are emancipated teenagers supposed to do? Should they live 100% at the mercy of state programs and not improve their living standards beyond the meager social welfare they are afforded until they turn exactly 18 years old? Really? Not even a day sooner, even if they are ready and qualified to work?
That would be completely inhumane. Certainly it’s depriving them of their bodily freedom and natural ability to extract capital value from their own labor.
So where is the line? 13? 14? I think somewhere in there is reasonable. Perhaps a test could determine their capacity to participate in their own economic fate? Or an evaluation by a social worker? I could go for something like that.
What if they are NOT emancipated and their parent is supervising them? Should the age minimum be higher then? 17? 18? I do not think so.
I think it’s only logical that the age minimum should actually be lower if a parent is directly supervising - their physical and economic risk is lower if the parent is looking out for their best interests. This of course presumes that the parent is not physically or mentally/emotionally abusing the kid(again, separate laws exist for the abuse component and most parents don’t abuse their kids).
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
If the business commits a crime like killing a kid, there are laws for that - just like there are laws for when businesses kill adults.
You are not providing a reason to bar the kid from working, you are providing a reason to outlaw murder(which is already illegal).
You doubt there are people under 18 who want to work? Should everyone just take your doubt for evidence of the absence of those people? I think not.
I do agree, if you stand by your beliefs on this issue, you are officially a self-proclaimed authoritarian on this issue.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
I don’t presume to know why anyone else wants anything for themselves, why do you?
To make it clear that I am answering your question: I do not know.
Can you answer my question? Why do you presume to know what the kid wants?
Like I said, there are separate laws for child abuse. Physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse too. The bases are covered.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
People offended just by looking at this picture out of context should really try explaining their preferred authoritarian social policy to a teenager who wants a part-time job but for whom some people would forbid them by penalty of the law.
Spoiler: They won’t understand why you should have any authority over their body and time.
I don’t understand why you should have that authority either. I mean, where does it end?
What are your criteria for exceptions? Shouldn’t it be between the kid and their parents, and not you?
Are you imagining there is a parental figure with a bull whip for this kid in the back office and you want to outlaw physical abuse? There are already separate laws for that!
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
Oh, that’s probably going to mitigate some of the risk. Hey, maybe it’ll be enough!
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
Haha, their take is pretty charged but it’s valid imo.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
People’s Park was a major local landmark with a long history that is well known to students, faculty, residents, and alumni. It had become a home to otherwise homeless people whose existence was inconvenient for the university’s expansion plans and an eyesore to arrogant passersby.
The park’s history includes both civil and violent disobedience, including against the university itself.
It would not be surprising to hear that, whatever is built on this lot, it is subsequently destroyed by an act of arson or other vandalism.
I am surprised they are taking the risk and making the investment at all. IMO it would have been safer to just buy some of the private properties surrounding the park instead, even at a premium.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
Just reframe this as a temporary trip/challenge to live off the land and regroup!
If you can genuinely view it that way, tell people about it and they’ll think it’s a really cool experience.
Then do it. Make it a project you can complete and then actually finish and come back to tell people what you accomplished and what you learned.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC pick as 5 Republicans join Democrats in 55-43 vote. Anna Gomez confirmation means "FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality." 1 year ago:
Yes, I know. Right on.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC pick as 5 Republicans join Democrats in 55-43 vote. Anna Gomez confirmation means "FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality." 1 year ago:
That Cruz quote is insane. Net neutrality will not be easily sold to the public as “radically left-wing”. Nobody is going to believe that shit.
It literally has neutrality right in the name!
- Comment on Recursion 1 year ago:
Yeah, not a bad answer! I’d assume someone is on the trolley too, but that’s just an assumption and, hey, maybe they would survive the wreck anyway!
- Comment on Recursion 1 year ago:
Just walk away and assume the original engineer put safety measures in place.
- Comment on true story 1 year ago:
Usage for what?
- Comment on Barbie earns $1 billion at the box office worldwide 1 year ago:
Of course they did, haha
- Comment on Barbie earns $1 billion at the box office worldwide 1 year ago:
100% the next actual Barbie doll is going to be “Weird Barbie”
Just searched “Weird” on Amazon and it’s already the top suggested result. People are searching for the doll and also the Halloween costume en mass.
- Comment on Deepfake lip syncs video to edit out profanity, match translation 1 year ago:
That’s true I suppose. No, I can’t be sure. It could just be really good dub writers, I guess?
- Comment on Deepfake lip syncs video to edit out profanity, match translation 1 year ago:
Pretty sure Netflix has been doing this for overdubs for the last 2+ years. The actors mouths approximately match the overdubbed language, at least for English.