Phone numbers actually can be an identity, but generally that’s just business numbers. There’s also a lot of phone numbers that aren’t cell phones and can’t get texts. It’s a lot easier and cheaper for companies to design one system. Depending on the company, they’ll still do text/email reminders for things. Old people like phone calls, so companies need to know their audience too. Again, cheaper to build a single system, so that tends to be the default.
Source: I design call centers for a living, personally done probably 200+ projects over the years, in banking, insurance, retail, transportation, state/local govt, etc. 10 months ago
What if you’re blind 10 months ago
Then you clearly don’t matter to Mango. 10 months ago
Blind people use special assistive software on their phones so they can hear text 10 months ago
Radio. Text to speech. Having someone who cares about you. 10 months ago
You want your doctor to broadcast your appointment reminders over the radio? 10 months ago
My doctor can afford to call or have a secretary do so.