As a kid who had a dad that religiously blocked any and all use of technology, I agree the right step is to allow access to it instead of taking it all away
This kind of made me revere videogames and the internet as a whole, using them whenever I had the chance, only realising I maybe shouldn’t be on them all hours of the day after I moved out
Even then, it was a hard habit to break
Restriction is a hard line to balance, and I wish you luck with it 11 months ago
Oh these days are long past now. XD but thank you.
That said, I agree with you. The restrictions I had in place weren’t a full lock down of all devices or no internet, he had access to most devices most of the time, and general access to the internet. Blocking only really took place on porn, gore, or “mature” sites like 4chan.
I did have internet shutdown at bedtime, because he proved unable to keep himself from using his phone into the wee hours. And I did keep him from installing any app he wanted, because a) it was tied to my credit card and b) we wanted to know what social sites he was on. Games were fine.
I suppose we could have taken his phone from him each night but honestly that was such a grueling process and if I forgot one night he’d be awake till 4 am on it.