Here’s some more: From behind the firewall (i.e. from a 10.0.0.x IP) the port forward works (which would be a reflection, I suppose?).
From in front of the firewall, I get “connection reset”, which I interpret as somewhat working but then breaking somewhere else. Does that make sense? 1 year ago
Your filter rule association is set to ‘rule’. What is that associated rule, and do things work if you change it to ‘pass’?…/correct_option_for_filter_rule_assoc… 1 year ago
Son of a gun!!! Thank you so much! I spent HOURS changing every setting except this one and actually came to the conclusion that it must be something to do with my ISP’s modem or DNS or something.
The rule is the “associated filter rule” OPNsense automatically creates (interfaces are WAN and LAN) and it triggers as a “pass” just fine when I send a request.
You don’t happen to have a clue WHY this rule breaks everything?