It was so normal there to leave kids in the apartment and go eat in the hotel restaurant. You could even hire a staff member called a 'child listener' who would visit your room every so often and call you if they were crying. The group were actually being more cautious than most by checking on each kid themselves.
We can say in retrospect that it wasn't safe but it was the done thing then. 1 year ago
Gerry has friends in high places - that bears repeating: he has friends in high places, and FWIW, he gives me sociopath vibes.
Hot take: Epstein's address-book full of high-profile people makes me wonder if there's an overlap somewhere.
Gerry's payment for their help is the constant rehashing of his daughter's disappearance in the news for whatever purpose that might serve. Even for a sociopath (assuming he is one), that's got to sting. But help is help, and he's not in prison, so maybe it's worth it.
Kate's fear and guilt is written all over her face, passing for and included with the expected grief, but she's had their two other kids to raise and she's afraid of what might happen if she leaves Gerry, so she's stayed with him.
Did either of them actually kill Maddie? No.
Well, not directly.
And in the tiny sliver of a hope she's still alive? I think I'd prefer she's been dead this whole time than have ended up in someone's basement or a place like Epstein's island. 1 year ago
Like, who? 1 year ago
Embarrassingly, I can't find where I read specifically what - ostensibly innocent - groups he was, and possibly still might be a part of, in order to refresh my memory.
He was a £75k a year doctor in 2012 though, so that much is out there. Admittedly, that isn't much, but if you earn that much, you know someone who knows someone, even if you don't know anyone directly.