Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year agoNah thats not what im saying. But the millions raked in by harry potter enterprises goes in to Rowlings pockets. Also, i dont weep for the devs, they were paid already… 1 year ago
So? People like the game. They’ll play it. It’s not for you to decide what they spend their money on.
She gets paid or not. Shouldn’t matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better. 1 year ago
So, i dont like your arguments. I will refute them. It is not for you to decide the tenor of discussion on this topic.
Transphobia will be discussed. Shouldnt matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better. 1 year ago
lol… okay! Enjoy the crusade. I just bought a copy of the game in your honor. 1 year ago
Lol, this guy. If you got 60 bucks to throw away because of an internet comment I cant really help you.