That’s not about LLM. Recently I was doing an AI analysis of which customers will become VIP based on their interactions. The accuracy was coincidentally also 98%. Nowadays people equate AI and LLM, but there’s much more to AI than LLM. 1 year ago
An AI system “can tell you in about roughly three seconds for each of those tweets, whether they’re in policy or out of policy, and by the way, they’re at the accuracy levels about 98% whereas with human moderators, no company has better accuracy level than like 65%,” the source said. “You kind of want to see at the same time in parallel what you can do with AI versus just humans and so I think they’re gonna see what that right balance is.”
I don’t believe that for one second. I’d believe it, if those numbers were reversed, but anyone who uses LLM regularly, knows how easy it is to circumvent them. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I’m just going off of the article, where they state that it’s an LLM:
According to the former X insider, the company has experimented with AI moderation. And Musk’s latest push into artificial intelligence technology through X.AI, a one-year old startup that’s developed its own large language model, could provide a valuable resource for the team of human moderators. 1 year ago
AI is whatever tech companies say it is. They aren’t saying it for the people, like you, that knows it’s horseshit. They are saying it for the investors, politicians, and ignorant folks. They are essentially saying that “AI” (cue jazz hands and glitter) can fix all of their problems, so don’t stop investing in us.