By decreasing billionaire executive bonuses, of course. You realize apps like Uver give shitty pay to the drivers and keep most of the profits for the execs, don’t you?
Repeat after me: They are MIDDLEMEN.
How exactly would they absorb the costs? Most of them aren’t even turning a profit as it is
By decreasing billionaire executive bonuses, of course. You realize apps like Uver give shitty pay to the drivers and keep most of the profits for the execs, don’t you?
Repeat after me: They are MIDDLEMEN. 1 year ago
People have this idea that you can bleed money from corps and that corps will magic the money from somewhere other than customers. 1 year ago
They don’t need magic the money out of anywhere, they already have it. They just have to want something other than to exploit whatever they can for profit, which is something they won’t consider. 1 year ago
I mean, they could, they just won’t. Lower the pay of the higher ups and you’d have more free money magicked up.